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Technical Publication
Harmonic Analysis and
SYSTEM 12 - 12 Pulse SCR Elevator Drive
& Conventional Six Pulse Elevator Drive
& Flux Vector VFAC Elevator Drive
& Includes Supplemental Jobsite Analysis
Motion Control
Engineering, Incorporated
Revised January 1996
©1994, 1996 Motion Control Engineering, Inc.
(Reproduced here with permission)
Technical Publication reports analysis and comparison of
AC line harmonic distortion produced by three modern
static drive types.
Control Engineering, Inc. SYSTEM 12 using
12-pulse DC SCR drive technology is compared to a
conventional 6-pulse DC SCR drive and the typical
"quiet" variable frequency AC inverter or flux
vector drive. Testing was conducted under
"controlled" test tower conditions. This
research study presents a true comparison of
drive-generated AC power line distortion (harmonic
Test Tower Research Overview
Most of
today's elevator control specifications require the use
of static drives. Increased use and experience with
static drives has focused attention on the potential for
AC power supply distortion and other problems. In many
cases AC power line distortion does not become a major
factor. Nevertheless, it is important that everyone
dealing with static drives have a basic understanding of
the nature of AC line distortion.
Power supply distortion caused by static drives can
result in:
Degraded emergency power generator performance
2) Induction motor heating
3) Power losses in transformers
4) Objectionable audible noise
5) Interference with sensitive medical equipment,
computers, radios and television equipment
AC power
supply distortion caused by elevator equipment is an
issue for consultants, architecture/engineering firms,
contractors and building owners.
This study concludes that use of MCE's SYSTEM 12 drive
results in significantly less AC line distortion than
most other types of static drives.
Three types
of static drives were evaluated for generation of
harmonic distortion. They are the types in most frequent
use today.
1) MCE's
SYSTEM 12 using 12-pulse DC SCR drive technology for
DC motors.
2) A conventional 6-pulse DC SCR drive for DC motors.
3) A variable frequency (VFAC) drive for AC motors.
The tested unit is a "quiet" type utilizing
"IGBT" devices.
The geared
elevator installed in the test tower at MCE's
Research & Development Center in Rancho
Cordova (Sacramento) California was used for the tests.
The same AC power supply, drive isolation transformer,
machine and elevator were used for all tests. An Imperial
20 HP DC motor was used for the DC drive tests. An
Imperial 20 HP AC motor was used for the AC drive test.
It is our judgement that this methodology represents the
most equitable possible arrangement for comparison of the
three types of static drives.
The test tower elevator operates at 350 fpm with a 20 HP
motor and a 480 VAC
3-phase power supply. The drive isolation transformer was
a 27-KVA unit reconfigurable for conventional SCR or
SYSTEM 12 operation. No line filter was used in any of
the three drive tests. A Fluke Model 41 Power Harmonics
Analyzer was used for all measurements and computations.
Data was downloaded to a printer.
comments regarding the tests:
It was
decided to measure worst-case conditions for the drives.
Results were evaluated during full load acceleration in
the up direction. Up acceleration for the VFAC unit was
not as great as for the DC SCR drives so the current
levels were correspondingly lower. Nevertheless, the
waveforms and results for all the tested drives are
considered to be typical, accurately representing each
drive type.
1) MCE's
SYSTEM 12, with 12-pulse DC SCR technology for
elevator applications, is a unique 12-pulse
4-quadrant, fully regenerative DC SCR drive utilizing
19 SCRs. Test results reflect the benefits of this
advanced technology.
2) The conventional 6-pulse DC SCR drive was a Baldor
Sweo 6-pulse 4-quadrant, fully regenerative DC SCR
drive. This drive is typical of DC SCR drives
generally available in the U.S. for elevator control
applications. Test results are applicable to drives
such as Magnetek DSD412, GE DC300E, Reliance, Emerson
and others.
3) The VFAC drive evaluated was a Saftronics
(Yaskawa) Flux Vector type. In regard to production
of AC line harmonic distortion, the Yaskawa is
considered to be typical of VFAC drives, either
conventional or flux vector types. This is the case
because the power supply is simply a 3-phase, six
rectifier bridge feeding a capacitor bank, typical of
VFAC designs presently available.
The single exception to universal applicability of
test data is a commercially available VFAC drive
claiming very low levels of harmonic distortion. As
far as can be determined, these product claims are
accurate; however, cost is approximately two times
that of any competitive drive. Thus, these drives are
not considered a viable alternative to the drives
examined in this study.
Furthermore, this particular drive type, along with
most other AC drives, radiates RFI (Radio Frequency
Interference) in far greater amounts and across a
much wider and higher band of frequencies than either
6-pulse or 12-pulse DC SCR drives. As a result,
sophisticated containment strategies and careful
installation practices are required to keep radiation
in check.
the Tables
Two pages of
data from the Harmonic Analyzer are presented for each of
the three drive types studied. The first page shows the
voltage and current waveforms along with graphs showing
relative magnitudes for voltage and current harmonics.
The second page presents a tabular summary of the
measurements taken.
The tables contain a considerable amount of information.
To compare the AC line distortion generated by each of
the three drives, pay particular attention to:
1) The
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD Rms) values for both
voltage and, especially, current -- the Voltage Total
Harmonic Distortion and the Current Total Harmonic
2) The
Current Magnitude (IMag) column which shows the
actual magnitude, in amperes, for each harmonic.
measurements for current represent the total amount of
current the drive is drawing from, or putting back into,
the AC line at frequencies other than the main
fundamental frequency of 60 Hz. These current harmonics
originating from the drive are the "junk" that
distorts the AC power line. They can be the cause of AC
line problems.
THD Rms measurements for voltage represent the voltage
distortion or the amount of deviation from a perfect 60
Hz sine wave. Voltage Total Harmonic Distortion is the
result, or the effect of the current harmonics that the
drive is producing.
There are a number of important facts to consider
regarding current and voltage harmonics:
Identical current harmonic magnitudes (Current Total
Harmonic Distortion) will not have the same effect on
all AC power lines in terms of the amount of voltage
\tab harmonics produced (Voltage Total Harmonic
Distortion). If the AC line is "stiff,"
i.e., not easily affected, you can put a lot of
current distortion on the line and voltage distortion
measurements may be nominal. If the AC line is
"soft" (as with a marginally sized power
supply or a small emergency power generator), very
moderate amounts of current distortion can generate
considerable Voltage Total Harmonic Distortion, which
can have serious consequences.
2) The Voltage Total Harmonic Distortion measured on
the AC line is not only the result of elevator static
drives. Residual base-line values can be measured by
turning the drive off and recording harmonic
distortion from other sources. When the static drive
is on, measurements will reflect the total distortion
including the base-line values plus the contribution
of the elevator drive(s).
the Data
The shape of
the voltage and current waveforms provides meaningful
information for evaluation of the various types of static
drives. The ideal shape for both waveforms is a perfect
sine wave. In all cases the voltage waveform is a close
approximation of a sine wave. It is the current waveform
that most clearly illustrates the effect of harmonic
distortion generated by static drives.
The harmonic
components generated by static drives can be calculated
using the following formula:
= nP + 1
where n = 1,2,3....etc. and
P = the pulse number of the diode or SCR bridge
Yaskawa Flux Vector
VFAC Drive
The voltage
waveform for the VFAC drive has a noticeable flattening
at the top and bottom. The VFAC drive visibly distorted
the voltage sine wave, which is not easy to do -- the AC
line for the MCE test tower elevator is very stiff.
Examination of the shape of the current waveform reveals
the real story insofar as line distortion being generated
by the VFAC drive is concerned. The waveform depicts how
the VFAC drive draws current from the AC line. The
current sine wave is obviously distorted. The VFAC is
clearly the worst of all three drive types, a surprise
considering the previously acknowledged superiority of AC
technology in the elevator industry. The tests were
repeated numerous times to verify that these figures were
correct. Review of published literature corroborates
findings -- suggesting that test results are typical.
Consider the bar graphs showing the relative magnitude of
current harmonics. The fifth harmonic is nearly half the
magnitude of the first harmonic. The first harmonic is
actually the 60 Hz fundamental -- in the hypothetical
ideal power system it would be the only bar illustrated.
Turning your attention to the data tables, the most
important thing to note is the Current Total Harmonic
Distortion (THD Rms under the Current column) at 44.3%.
The current magnitude (IMag) column shows the largest
harmonic (fifth) as a percentage of the 60 Hz
fundamental, or 12.1 amps/28.4 amps = 42.6%. The VFAC
drive demonstrates a propensity to generate harmonic
Conventional 6-Pulse
DC SCR Drive
The voltage
waveform doesn't provide much information because it is
very close to a sine wave. This is confirmed by measured
Voltage Total Harmonic Distortion of 2.6% (THD Rms under
the Voltage column). Also note voltage harmonics are
almost invisible on the bar graphs.
Examining the
current waveform you can see that it is an improvement
over the VFAC drive, but it is still only a rough
approximation of a sine wave. Current harmonic distortion
is apparent.
For a 6-pulse DC SCR drive, the main harmonics are five,
seven, eleven, thirteen and so forth. These are the same
significant harmonics as those in the VFAC drive. This is
explained by the fact that the typical VFAC drive can be
considered a 6-pulse system.
Looking at the data table it is important to note that
Current Total Harmonic Distortion is
25.9% (THD Rms under the Current column). This is a
significant improvement over the VFAC drive's numbers.
The current magnitude (IMag) column shows the largest
harmonic (fifth) as a percentage of the 60 Hz
fundamental, or 10.6 amps/45.5 amps = 23.3%. Again, a
significant improvement over the VFAC drive.
12-Pulse DC SCR Drive
As expected,
the voltage waveform doesn't reveal much information
because it so closely approximates a sine wave. The
Voltage Total Harmonic Distortion confirms this, measured
at only 2.6%, equal to the 6-pulse DC SCR drive.
The bar graph illustrating voltage harmonics appears
identical to the 6-pulse DC SCR drive, but this is
misleading. The AC line is very stiff and hard to effect.
Further, the graph represents residual distortion on the
line, not the effect of the 12-pulse DC SCR drive.
The SYSTEM 12 current waveform more closely resembles
that of an ideal sine wave than either waveforms for the
6-pulse DC SCR or VFAC drives. The 12-pulse waveform
shows significant improvement over the other two drive
When the current harmonics are examined, one can see they
are greatly reduced in comparison to the other drive
types. The significant harmonics for the 12-pulse drive
are 11, 13, 23, 25 and so forth.
Finally, checking the data table, the Current Total
Harmonic Distortion is only 13.5% (THD Rms under the
Current column). This represents meaningful improvement
over both the VFAC and 6-pulse DC SCR drives. The current
magnitude (IMag) column shows the largest harmonic (11th)
as a percentage of the 60 Hz fundamental, or 4.9
amps/44.3 amps =11.1%.
The 12-pulse
drive offers a factor of two improvement in Total
Harmonic Distortion when compared to the typical 6-pulse
DC SCR drive and a factor of four improvement when
compared to the typical VFAC drive.
The purpose
of this technical publication is to provide an awareness
of the potential for adverse AC line distortion when
elevators are controlled by static drives. It has been
demonstrated how different types of static drives compare
to the state-of-the-art in 12-pulse DC SCR technology.
Data indicates that non-regenerative VFAC drives present
the biggest challenge insofar as AC line distortion is
concerned. VFAC drives are also a potential source of RFI
noise. Careful consideration is required when selecting
these drives for a particular application.
This study shows that the conventional 6-pulse DC SCR
drive definitely is not as clean as a 12-pulse DC SCR
drive. In cases where there is any concern about AC line
distortion use of the 12-pulse DC SCR drive is advisable.
Examination of the data supports the conclusion that
MCE's SYSTEM 12 using 12-pulse technology is the most
effective method for minimizing AC line distortion.
The advantages of the 12-pulse drive are grounded in
solid theory. The reader may wish to review, "Application
of 12-Pulse Converters -- reducing electrical
interference and audible noise from DC-motor drives"
which appeared in the February 1992 issue of Elevator
World magazine. Additional advantages of
12-pulse DC SCR drives are discussed in this article.
Static drive technology continually changes. As improved
applications become available the nature of AC line
pollution problems will also change. It is the hope of
the authors that MCE's series of Technical Publications
is informative and a catalyst for ongoing dialogue and
sharing of information between consultants, elevator
contractors, owners and other interested parties. MCE
Technical Publications will be available via electronic
bulletin board on MCE On-Line.
Don Alley, MCE Vice President, Research and
Development MCE R&D Staff August 1994
jobsite analysis was undertaken to compare the results of
the Test Tower study with actual jobsite measurements.
The general discussions of the Test Tower Research are
applicable to this supplemental study.
Two types of
static drives were evaluated at the jobsite. They are the
Magnatek 6-pulse DC SCR drive and MCE's SYSTEM 12 using
12-pulse DC SCR drive. The job sites are as follows:
International Towers Building -- 700 fpm; 2500 lb
capacity; Magnatek 6-pulse drive; General Dynamics ED
machine; 35.4 HP; 115 amp/260 volt armature; 480 AC
line voltage.
2) Plaza Building -- 500 fpm; 3000 lb capacity; MCE
SYSTEM 12; Otis 131HT machine; 32 HP; 177 amp/150
volt armature; 480 AC line voltage.
The gearless
elevators were tested using a Fluke Model 41 Power
Harmonics Analyzer for all measurements and computations.
Data was take from the primary side of the isolation
transformers and downloaded to a printer. It was decided
to measure worst-case conditions for the drives, which in
the absence of test weights, is during empty car
acceleration in the down direction.
the Data
Conventional 6-Pulse
DC SCR Drive - International Towers Building
The voltage
waveform doesn't provide much information because it is
very close to a sine wave. This is confirmed by measured
Voltage Total Harmonic Distortion of 4.1% (THD Rms under
the Voltage column). Note that voltage harmonics are
insignificant on the bar graphs.
For a 6-pulse
DC SCR drive, the main harmonics are five, seven, eleven,
thirteen and so forth. Looking at the data table it is
important to note that Current Total Harmonic Distortion
is 26.9% (THD Rms under the Current column). The current
magnitude (Imag) column shows the largest harmonic
(fifth) as a percentage of the 60 Hz fundamental, or 13.7
amps/64.7 amps = 21.2%.
12-Pulse DC SCR Drive
- Plaza Building
As expected,
the 12-pulse voltage waveform doesn't reveal any more
information than the 6-Pulse voltage waveform because it
also closely approximates a sine wave. The Voltage Total
Harmonic Distortion confirms this, measured at only 2.5%
lower than that of the 6-pulse DC SCR drive.
The SYSTEM 12 current waveform more closely resembles
that of an ideal sine wave than the waveform for the
6-pulse DC SCR. When the current harmonics are examined,
one can see they are greatly reduced in comparison to the
6-pulse drive. The significant harmonics for the 12-pulse
drive are 11, 13, 23, 25 and so forth.
Finally, checking the data table, the Current Total
Harmonic Distortion is only 6.5% (THD Rms under the
Current column). This represents meaningful improvement
over the 6-pulse DC SCR drive. The current magnitude
(Imag) column shows the largest harmonic (11th) as a
percentage of the 60 Hz fundamental, or 4.7 amps/93.3
amps = 5.0%.
The Plaza Building SYSTEM 12 drive offers a factor of
four improvement in Total Harmonic Distortion when
compared to the International Towers Building 6-pulse DC
SCR drive.
supplemental analysis further validates the hypotheses of
the Test Tower Research in that a 12-pulse SCR drive
produces substantially less harmonic distortion than
other static drives typically used. It must be noted that
levels of Harmonic Distortion will vary from installation
to installation as the result of job-specific variables
(current drawn, car direction and loading, line
stiffness, other static drives sharing the line, baseline
Motion Control
Engineering, Incorporated
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